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Murder or Mercy? A look at the controversy regarding assisted suicide. 

What is this all about?

For years and years, being resigned to a hospice bed and given x amount of drugs for comfort was the most a hospital could do for patients when life was at its end. Now, there's a new, unorthodox method people are turning to in order to pass under their own terms: doctor-assisted suicide. Terminal patients are finally given a choice regarding their lives, but this practice is not upheld everywhere. Why not, and what consequences and benefits come with doctor-assisted suicide? We'll get into the nitty-gritty right here every week.

About me

My name is Elizabeth Molina, and I'm a senior at the University of Houston! I'm currently majoring in Broadcast Journalism after changing it so many times, and I'm minoring in Computer Science. I'm hoping to secure a promising marketing job post graduation, and let my career path follow on these coming experiences.
I'm an avid researcher and sometimes blogger on topics I find interesting or controversial, which includes doctor-assisted suicide -- the topic of this blog! My stance will become apparent through my writings, and I hope to influence people to really put research into this issue and understand it fully.

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